
sexta-feira, 2 de março de 2012

Circuito Áudio Visual

Fonte: http://www.reconnsworld.com/forum/read.php?8,62

C122uf 250V Electrolytic Capacitor
C3.01uf Disc Capacitor
C547k 1/2 W Resistor
R2,R43.3k 1/2 W Resistor
R7,R8,R9_1k 1/2 W Resistor
R10,R11,R121N4004 Diode
Q1,Q2Audio Transformer, 10k:600 Ohms
S1___AC Line Cord, Crystal Microphone, Case, Wire.

R10, R11 and R12 control the response of the different lights. 
The circuit can handle up to 300 watts per channel. 
This circuit is NOT isolated from the 115 Volt line. If it is used with the case opened or not installed in a case, you could recieve a bad shock or be killed. 
You can also use the Teccor S2003LS1 SCR for SCR1. These give better sensitivity and brightness than the 106B1 units.

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